Six Dimensions of Wellness for All

Six Dimensions of Wellness for All

6 dimensions of wellness: vocational, emotional, intellectual, physical, social, spiritualAs a leader in providing quality senior living, our Wellness and Recreation Department focuses on developing programs for residents using six dimensions of wellness—Spiritual, Emotional, Intellectual, Social, Physical and Vocational. We believe this focus is part of the reason we received the Beacon Award.

For this blog post, we’d like to fill you in on how we’re continually working toward whole-person wellness with each dimension—first, with an overview of the dimensions, and then, with links to more information about each dimension.

Spiritual Wellness

Spiritual wellness can include organized religion and other spiritual practices. It recognizes a search for meaning and purpose and/or fulfillment of spiritual principles. Worship, study, meditation, conversation and other activities fall within this dimension.

Learn more: Spiritual Wellness at Meth-Wick


Emotional Wellness

Emotional wellness includes awareness of thoughts and feelings and having safe ways to express those feelings. Supportive relationships with others, self-knowledge and self-care are important to emotional wellness.

Learn more: Emotional Wellness at Meth-Wick


Intellectual Wellness

Intellectual wellness recognizes stimulating mental practice and interaction with others and the world. Continued learning, processing and critical thinking are all vital to expanding knowledge as well as connecting with others through thoughtful conversation.

Learn more: Intellectual Wellness at Meth-Wick


Social Wellness

Social wellness encourages relationships with yourself and others through friends, family and other social networks. Engaging with others fosters healthy interdependent relationships that provide a sense of connection.

Learn more: Social Wellness at Meth-Wick


Physical Wellness

Physical wellness encompasses exercise, diet, sleep and other aspects of health. It’s key to overall well-being and continued independence. Access to a variety of activities, nutritious food options and quality health care make it easier to maintain physical health.

Learn more: Physical Wellness at Meth-Wick


Vocational Wellness

Vocational wellness recognizes personal satisfaction through one’s individual skills and abilities in regard to their work, volunteerism and ability to add value in life. This dimension focuses on finding self-value through the contributions one can make to the world around them.

Learn more: Vocational Wellness at Meth-Wick


We fully embrace these dimensions of wellness and empower everyone on campus to take an active role in enhancing wellness across campus.